Thursday, October 25, 2012

SIDS vs Faith

Since October is Infant Death Awareness Month, I wanted to share this with y'all.

I have taken the past 5 weeks Ive had with Sawyer for granted. I have complained to y'all about how hard it is to breastfeed and so on so on blah blah blah. Well, not anymore.

I have a lot of friends who are pregnant right now or who have had babies recently. All of these friends (with the exception of one friend back in May), delivered live and healthy babies. 

Well, I am not personal friends with Michelle but I did go to high school with her. She had a healthy baby boy in July. A friend of mine did her sons newborn pictures and posted them on Facebook and they turned out so cute!!!

I found out yesterday that Michelle was going about her day as usual and put her sweet baby down for his nap. He never woke up.

He died of SIDS at the age of 3 months.

Elijah's death has not only made my heart ache for Michelle and her husband, but it has made me check on my own son every 5 min. Especially since the greatest risk if SIDS happens in the 1-3 month period. I have heard about SIDS but never gave it much thought. I remember only did-bits from nursing school. I thought it was rare and mostly in certain ethnic groups. Well, it has hit a little too close to home now and it has reminded me that SIDS can happen to anyone and for absolutely no reason. 

I did some research to refresh my memory.
  • The following have been linked to a baby's increased risk of SIDS:
    • Sleeping on the stomach
    • Being around cigarette smoke while in the womb or after being born
    • Sleeping in the same bed as their parents (co-sleeping)
    • Soft bedding in the crib
    • Multiple birth babies (being a twin, triplet, etc.)
    • Premature birth
    • Having a brother or sister who had SIDS
    • Mothers who smoke or use illegal drugs
    • Being born to a teen mother
    • Short time period between pregnancies
    • Late or no prenatal care
    • Living in poverty situations

None of these apply to me accept for the fact that I did use a bumper pad in Addy's crib and currently have one is Sawyers crib. BUT that in no way prevents it from happening to anyone and anytime. None of these might have applied to Michelle either but it happened to her.  This is where having Faith comes in. As a mom the word Faith is a tough word to understand. It only really became hard for me to understand after I had kids. I have a lot to learn when it comes to Faith and understand why things like this happen. Just because I don't always understand doesn't mean I don't fully trust in Him anyway. That is the key. We walk by faith not by sight right?

There are a few things God tells us that gives me some encouragement.

 This is Michelle holding newborn Elijah. This pic was taken by Brittany Keeton Photography.

Thank you Lord for the hope of someday being in a place where there will be no more death or pain and we will see our loved ones again. Rev 21:4.

My heart goes out to Michelle and her husband.

1 comment:

  1. This breaks my heart. I cannot imagine at all. When we had a miscarriage with our first I fell apart. And ironically, Josiah's birthday is the National Day of Birth and Infant Loss Day, he would not have been born if we had not lost our first baby. This past year many women in my life have had miscarriages. It's amazing how God used the experience of miscarriage in my own life to comfort others with the comfort and strength I received from Him. Will be praying for your friend too. I sure wish there wasn't sin in the world and there wasn't death and sadness and heartbreak. When Jesus returns it will be so glorious. No more loss or sadness or heartache. Until then, we must put our faith in our Sovereign Lord and Father, even when we don't understand why in circumstances like these.
