Sunday, November 25, 2012

Terrible Two's

The tables have sorta turned the past few weeks around the Stephens household. Sawyer is now a little more predictable and Addy is the one that you have to watch out for. 

The Terrible Two's Three's have begun. Addy has been a piece of work the past few weeks. It's like a switch got flipped the minute she turned three last month. She literally has about 5 time-out's a day now.  She has started doing this thing where she screams and throws herself on the ground. Very unlike her! She has started playing games with us too, telling us what to do and saying "No!" We didn't really have much trouble with her in her two's at all. Matt rarely leaves the house now because she has been so disobedient. He used to take her to the park and the zoo and to Walmart to go grocery shopping (she loves grocery shopping) with Sawyer to take care of too, it makes it super hard to carry a screaming toddler to the car. I feel for him cause Addy gets bored easily and then gets into trouble.

She actually threw a big fit in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner with my family. It didn't help that my little brother and brother in law like to antagonize her and tease her big time by taking her stuffed animals and hiding them etc. They are like kids themselves and it really set her off. It really ticked me off actually. They are grown men so they should know better but neither of them have kids. We are the only couple with kids so they think it's pretty funny to get her upset. I can't wait till they have their own kids and see how hard it is to be a parent. Our family just sits and stares at us right now as we take our screaming child in the other room and attempt to calm her down and discuss what she did wrong.

I will say though, that Addy has started saying some really funny phrases lately. She's isn't always difficult. At times she is her usual funny and sweet self. Yesterday she was pretending to ride a horse and yelled " YeeHa! Ride em' cowboy!". I have no idea where she hear that! It was so funny! She is very cuddly and gives me kisses all the time. She has also started saying "That is so fancy!" Haha! 

As a parent, we take the good with the bad. Each age has things that are fun and things that are difficult and thats fine with me. We love her through it all. I am so thankful for our two kiddos and their developing personalities. 

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