Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sawyer Everett is here!

So today was going to be my induction date to have Sawyer but God had other plans.  I ended up going into labor on my own and having him two weeks early at a whopping 8lbs 9oz!!! ( can you imagine how much he would have weighed if I had gone to term?!) Sawyer's birthday is officially Friday the 21st of September. I was 37 weeks and 6 days pregnant. Get this....I was admitted at 10:00am and Sawyer was born just three hours later! Holy cow! Talk about not waisting any time!

Addy's delivery and Sawyer's delivery are two very different story's. I'm glad to say that Sawyer's delivery was much quicker, smoother and easier then Addison's. Thank you Lord for a wonderful Anesthesiologist who was not only a friend that I work with on a daily basis, but a very good doc that really did a good job blocking every single nerve ending from the waste down. haha. They could have done a bilateral leg amputation on me and I would not have even known.  I was at 5 cm dilated when Dr. K came in to put in the epidural and by that time my contractions were bad! I never really had a chance to feel them with Addy because I was induced but with Sawyer I went into labor on my own and boy were they horrible at a 5. Can't imagine how bad they are at the end!

I love being a mother of two. I especially love day dreaming of when Sawyer is older and they can play and interact with each other. I also LOVE that I can lay flat at night without having horrible heartburn and not have to get up every 10 min to pee. I ABSOLUTELY love that I can fit into some of my own clothes (instead of my husbands) and that I have dropped 22 lbs in a week and a half. Easiest way to loose weight without having to eat right or exercise...just have a baby! haha!  I'm so glad to be done being pregnant FOREVER. I am already starting to feel like myself again. Thank u Lord.

I will say, I'm not loving this newborn stage of life. It's probably my least favorite stage to tell you the truth. With a newborn, it is really nerve wracking and exhausting to constantly guess what your child needs or wants or what they are feeling. Are they cold, are they hungry, are they just trying to poop? Haha. Oh and the whole sitting in a chair in the dark in the middle of the night trying to get a very sleepy newborn to latch on and eat while you listen to your dog and husband snore away in your big comfy king sized bed makes for quite long depressing night.  Thats how I felt the first few days at home. My mood/hormones have leveled out a little since then and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel a little better now. It's easy to feel resentful at husbands for not having boobs to help out with the feedings. Geez God, why didn't you give men the boobs since we have to do nine whole months of pregnancy? haha. I don't remember much at all of the first few weeks with addy hardly at all. I think it's because I mentally blocked them out. I was going to blog a few days after we came home from the hospital but Im glad I waited cause it would not have been a happy and upbeat post. The first few days home from the hospital were tough. Mostly because of the huge learning curve when it comes to breast feeding. Doesn't matter that I've done it before with Addison, it was really tough with her too. Each baby responds differently to it and learns at their own pace. Its been three years since I did it and so I had to sorta relearn too. Last week, I think it was about 3am, I was upset and so tired...Sawyer was upset and tired...and hungry.... crying loudly...Matt just looked at me in the dark and said...."Is breastfeeding really worth all this ?" I didn't answer for a long time. I knew the answer was yes but I so didn't feel it at the time. When I did finally answer. I think I sarcastically said "Breast is best...". The very next day I made an appointment  to have a lactation consultant observe and train me one on one how to breastfeed. It was very beneficial and she was amazingly helpful. It was worth all $75. The only thing is, you go home after the consult and have to remember and recreate everything she taught you at 1am when you are tired and frusterated and sometimes it doesn't always work out like it did in her office. I wonder how much it would b to have her move in for a few weeks?? Haha!

I only have 6 weeks maternity leave with Sawyer. I had 3 months with Addy and needed it all! I had a long physical/emotional recovery with her. Its only been 11 days with Sawyer and Im feeling almost normal both physically and mentally!!  It's a relief to have a "normal" recovery from childbirth. (i don't look normal yet though...lol) God knew what I would need and provided just enough sick time to cover me.

Our family is now complete and we are excited to see what God has in store for us all.

Sawyer is up now and wants to eat so I'll try to write again whenever I can.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you, that post-baby emotional rollercoaster is a doosey! Hang in there with the breastfeeding, I struggled in the first weeks with Paul and Josiah and always asked God why something so "natural" was so dang hard to figure out! haha! You are welcome to call me if you are still having problems, I'd be happy to see if I could answer your questions or help any way. I know I wouldn't have continued breastfeeding had it not been for 1 friend when we lived in Quitman who helped me so much answering my questions those first weeks.

    And btw, I'm so jealous of your super fast delivery!!! That's incredible! I don't think I'm made to give birth easy, all 3 labors were intense and horrible with some sort of traumatic event happening during the labor. Never again do I want to do that.

    I'm so happy for you and Matt. Sawyer is adorable! Hope you have a wonderful maternity leave! And I'll be sending you some vanilla extract soon, once I can get my hands on a bottle to put the vanilla in. Love ya!
